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Common Questions
Grammarly’s product offerings
What is Grammarly?
How can I check my emails with Grammarly?
What do I need to use Grammarly?
How does Grammarly work?
Who uses Grammarly?
What is Grammarly Premium, and how is it different from Grammarly Free?
Does Grammarly offer a trial?
Can I download Grammarly onto my computer?
Access Grammarly on a new device
Is Grammarly available on mobile devices?
How many devices can I use Grammarly on?
What are the limitations when using Grammarly?
Does Grammarly support languages other than English?
Can Grammarly check the formatting style of my document?
Can I use Grammarly offline?
How does Grammarly review text so quickly?
Is Grammarly compatible with my Apple Mac computer?
Will my text show up as plagiarized if I use Grammarly?
How do you create the weekly Grammarly Insights reports I get in my email?
Common questions about weekly Grammarly Insights reports
Who are Grammarly's business partners?
Is Grammarly down?
Contact Grammarly Support
Can Grammarly detect if someone’s writing indicates suicidal ideation and provide them with supportive resources?
How can I turn off the Grammarly AI? Does Grammarly use trigger AI detectors?
Grammarly’s product offerings
Privacy and Security
Privacy and security FAQ
Tailored Assistance Support
Is Grammarly safe?
What certifications and attestations has Grammarly obtained?
App actions data sharing
Does Grammarly sell my data?
Product Improvement and Training Control
Bring Your Own Key FAQ
Session Timeout FAQ
I need Grammarly to fill out a security assessment or questionnaire
I received an email that appears to be from Grammarly; how do I know if it’s legitimate?
I received an email from Grammarly, but I do not have an account
Does Grammarly own everything I write?
What do you mean by "User Content" in your Privacy Policy/Terms of Service?
Why do you need to know my geographic area?
Where does Grammarly store my data? Is it on their servers?
How does Grammarly keep my data secure on their servers (at rest)?
Does Grammarly use subprocessors?
Does Grammarly’s product read everything I write?
Can anyone at Grammarly read my text?
What Apple's full access warning actually means
Why Grammarly needs full access on iOS
What data does Grammarly collect on iOS?
Why does the Grammarly Keyboard for iOS request to track me across apps and websites?
What data does Grammarly for Safari collect and process?
Personal data report
Why does Grammarly need access to accessibility features?
How Grammarly protects your privacy on Android
Is Grammarly a keylogger?
Is Grammarly malware?
Privacy and security FAQ
Grammarly's Referral Program
Grammarly's Affiliate Program
Expert Writing Service
Other Grammarly Services