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Error: Your password is incorrect or this account doesn’t exist

Note: If you logged out of your Grammarly account, navigate to You should see a menu displaying the email addresses you previously used to log in.

If you are seeing this error message, please ensure that the login information you are using is correct. For detailed password reset instructions, please check out this article: Problems signing in

A screenshot of the error message

My login details are correct, but I still see this error message 

Temporarily turn off your VPN, proxy, antivirus, and firewall software and try logging in one more time.

If turning off your antivirus or firewall software helped, we suggest that you add Grammarly to that software’s allowed list to resolve the issue.

Browser extensions like VPNs or ad blockers may also prevent you from logging in to Grammarly. Try turning off any of these browser extensions that you may have and see if you are able to log in. You can turn off other extensions in your browser settings: 

Chrome: Copy chrome:extensions into your address bar
Firefox: Open Tools > Add-ons > Extensions
Safari: Open Safari > Preferences > Extensions
Microsoft Edge: Copy edge:extensions into your address bar

There might also be an issue with your browser cookies. Please clear cookies in your browser using the instructions here.

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