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I can't uninstall Grammarly for Mac

If you try to uninstall Grammarly for Mac, a message may tell you that you can’t delete the program while you’re running it. More precisely, the alert message will say, "The item "Grammarly Desktop" can't be moved to the Bin because it's open.” If this happens, please make sure that you quit Grammarly via your system menu bar before trying to uninstall it. To do that, click the Grammarly icon in the upper-right corner of your screen and select Quit:

The image shows the already-clicked Grammarly icon at the top of the screen and the Quit option highlighted in blue

If this doesn't help, follow these steps: 

1. Click the Grammarly icon in the upper-right corner of your screen and choose Settings…

2. In the Customization tab, switch off Launch at startup:

The image shows the Grammarly settings window with Customization, Account, and Block List options. The Customization menu is opened and the Launch at startup option is currently switched off and has a green frame around it for emphasis.

3. Restart your computer and make sure that you choose not to reopen all apps after restart:

The image shows an already-clicked Apple menu on a Mac computer. Among many options present, Restart… is highlighted in blue.

Then, try uninstalling Grammarly by following these instructions:

  1. Go to Finder > Applications.
  2. Find Grammarly Desktop on the list and move it to Trash (or Bin).
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