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Error: Text Checking Is Temporarily Unavailable

If you see the error "Text Checking Is Temporarily Unavailable" when checking a document, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Make sure that you successfully pass the WebSockets tests here. If any section of your test results says Failed, take a look at this article.
  2. Re-login to the Grammarly Editor:
  3. Check whether you can reproduce the issue with your antivirus software and firewall turned off. If not, make sure that your antivirus and firewall software allows web socket connection to Typically, restrictions can be configured in the "allowed list" or "bypass" section of the antivirus software settings. 

Note: Currently, you can check up to 100,000 characters (including spaces) at a time using the Grammarly Editor. In some cases, users are able to paste documents that exceed 100,000 characters; however, Grammarly may not work as expected. We recommend splitting your document into smaller parts if your document exceeds the limitation and you see this error message. 

If the issue persists, please send the web editor's console log to Grammarly Support. You can bring up the developer tools by either of these methods:

  • If you use Windows, press F12 
  • If you are a Mac user, press the combination of Command + Option + i 
  • If your operating system is Linux, press the combination of Ctrl + Shift + J 

    Once you've opened the console as described above, please do the following:

    1. Navigate to the Console tab under Developer Tools.
    2. Right-click on an empty space with the console view.
    3. Click Save As and save the output to a file.
    4. Send the file to our Support Team.
  1. Go to Firefox Menu (three lines) in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. Select Web Developer > Browser Console.
  3. Navigate to the Console tab under Developer Tools.
  4. Right-click on an empty space with the console view.
  5. Click Save all Messages to File and save the file on your computer.
  6. Send the file to our Support Team.
  1. Select the Safari menu in the upper-left corner of the screen and go to Settings...
  2. Go to the Advanced tab. 
  3. Check the box next to Show features for web developers.
  4. Go to, open the new document, and press Option +Command + C to open the Console screen.
  5. Reproduce the issue.
  6. Select the Console output and click Save Selected.
  7. Save the Console output to the file and send this file to our Support team
  1. Press F12.
  2. Then, in Developer Tools, navigate to the Console tab.
  3. Reproduce the issue.
  4. Navigate to the Console tab under Developer Tools.
  5. Right-click on an empty space with the console view.
  6. Click Save As and save the output to a file.
  7. Send the file to our Support Team. 

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editor unavailable answer-bot error checking unavailable text checking unavailable temporary unavailable broken text checking text checking not working editor doesn't work editor issue editor unavailable temporarily unavailable error checking is temporarily unavailable technical issue