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Configure SCIM provisioning

Note: The functionality described in this article is available only to Grammarly Enterprise customers. If you’re interested in enabling this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager or the Grammarly Support team.

You can configure System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) for your Grammarly subscription, which automatically provisions members and groups when they are assigned Grammarly application access at your identity provider if you are using a supported identity provider. The identity providers currently supported for SCIM-based provisioning are Okta, Azure AD, and OneLogin.

In order to use SCIM-based provisioning, you must be already using SAML single sign-on (SSO) for user authentication. For more information, please see this article: Set up SAML single sign-on

When using SAML SSO, by default your identity provider does not communicate with Grammarly to create members or groups when you assign or unassign users to the application. Grammarly performs just-in-time (JIT) provisioning of the member’s account the first time a member signs in via your identity provider. With the enablement of SCIM-based provisioning, your identity provider will notify Grammarly when users are assigned or unassigned application access. 

When you assign application access, your identity provider will communicate with Grammarly to create a member account and send an onboarding email to the user. When you unassign application access, your identity provider will communicate with Grammarly to invalidate any authenticated sessions and deactivate the member’s account. The Grammarly account will be suspended within an hour of receiving the deletion request and permanently deleted within 30 days.

Supported identity providers

The following identity providers can provision or de-provision members of your Grammarly subscription using SCIM:

Turning on provisioning with existing members

If you already have team members in your Grammarly subscription and you turn on provisioning, a reconciliation process needs to happen. As part of this process, your identity provider will notify Grammarly of all assigned users. Grammarly will reconcile users already invited via a provisioning request from the identity provider and their status will be reflected on the Members page. To determine users who haven’t been reconciled with the identity provider, access the Provisioning page. If there are users who haven’t yet been provisioned by the identity provider, the Provisioning page will show a warning banner. Click the Download report link to download a CSV file containing the list of members that haven’t yet been provisioned. This report can be used to bulk delete outstanding users, if appropriate, or for manual processing.

Note: For some identity providers, the step to provision already assigned users may have to be triggered manually. See the identity-provider-specific steps for more information.

Turning on provisioning for groups

SCIM can be used to organize team members into groups for select identity providers. This allows you to sync your identity provider group configuration with your Grammarly subscription.

Note: The SCIM group provisioning support is available for Grammarly Enterprise customers upon request. If you’re interested in enabling this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Grammarly Support team.

Assigning a cost center to team members

SCIM can also be used to define the CostCenter attribute, which assigns the appropriate cost center to each team member. This information can then be viewed in the Grammarly admin panel. 

Note: The option to view the cost center in the admin panel is available upon request.

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