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Analyze my team’s writing performance

Who has access:
Members of Grammarly Business, Grammarly Pro, and Grammarly for Education plans

Grammarly’s analytics dashboard allows you to explore your team’s aggregated writing activity across several dimensions, such as interactions with Grammarly and improvements in writing over time. To learn more about analyzing team members’ individual usage, check out this article: Review member usage analytics

Topics covered in this article:

What’s new?

As we strive to provide robust, insights-driven analytics on your team’s writing with Grammarly, we made the following enhancements to the Team overview page:

1. Introduced the Effective Communication Score for Enterprise teams:

The Effective Communication Score represents the overall strength of your organization’s communication. By surfacing key metrics, Grammarly can show you where teams are doing well—and where they can improve. You can learn more in this article: Introducing the Effective Communication Score

2. Added a chart to display data on application and domain usage

Added a new chart: Where Your Members Are Using Grammarly. This chart shows the top 10 applications and websites where your team members are writing with Grammarly. Additionally, you can filter the results to view where your team members are using Grammarly’s generative AI.

Note: At this time, the application and website data can’t be filtered by a user group or other criteria.

3. The “Active Team Members” chart replaced with the “Grammarly Usage Summary” chart

The new Grammarly Usage Summary chart provides a breakdown of Grammarly usage within your organization. It allows you to compare the following values over time:

  • Number of users who are connected to Grammarly
  • Number of users who are writing while Grammarly is connected
  • Number of users who accepted Grammarly suggestions while they wrote with Grammarly connected

How to read this chart?
In an optimal scenario, all three lines on the chart should closely align with each other. If there is a noticeable distance between any of the lines, it may be a good opportunity to promote the use of Grammarly within your organization.

Note: You can send reminders to team members with pending invitations by clicking Remind Invited in the right-side panel. This option will appear only to team members with the admin role and if the data filter is set to All members.

The data from the Grammarly Usage Summary chart is also shown as a snippet at the upper-right corner of your Home page:

What’s available?

Writing Sessions Improved

This graph will help you understand how Grammarly improves your team’s written communication:


Grammarly Suggestions

This graph helps you understand how your team members interact with Grammarly’s suggestions. You can look at the suggestions by specific outcomes to identify trends and areas of improvement. Additionally, you can combine multiple outcomes and apply any of the available views (e.g., by totals or by percentage).


Top 10 tones used by your team

This chart shows the top ten tones detected in your team’s communication to relay whether your team members are consistently making the right impression:


Generative AI Usage

If generative AI is enabled for your team, this graph will show how many generative AI prompts your team members have used:


  • Analytics data may be displayed with up to a 30-hour delay depending on your time zone.
  • The data will not be displayed if there were fewer than two active team members in the selected time period.
  • Team members with the admin and account manager roles or group manager permissions can download raw data by clicking Export in the upper-right corner of the page. For more information, check out this article: Organize exported team overview analytics data
  • Grammarly Enterprise admins can create a custom role that grants permissions to manage the organization’s analytics (view, filter, and export team or individual usage data), but without full admin privileges. You can learn more in this article: About custom roles
  • Once a team member is removed, their data will not be taken into account for the entire time period.

Applying filters

Note: This feature is not available to team members with the user role. Team members with the group manager permissions will be able to apply filters only for the selected groups they have permission to manage. Custom group filter functionality is not available to group managers.

You can filter analytics data by a user group or create a custom filter. To filter by a user group, click All members at the top of the page and select the box next to a group.

To create a custom filter:

  1. Open the filters dropdown menu.
  2. Click Create custom filter:
  3. Enter the filter name and select the boxes next to the team members you’d like to include (minimum of 2, maximum of 1,000).
  4. Click Create filter.

Note: You can create up to a maximum of 30 filters. 

While any users with the admin or account manager role can filter by user groups, custom filters won’t be visible to other team members. You can also combine any number of filters by user group and custom filters in the same query:

When team members are added to a custom filter or a user group, their data will be included for the entire time period they have been a part of the subscription and not just since the day they were added to the filter or group.

Note: If a member is included in several groups, they will be accounted for only once in aggregated statistics and graphs.

To edit or delete a custom filter, open the filters dropdown menu and click on the pencil icon next to a filter:

Setting the date range

You can choose to view the data for the previous 7 days, the previous 30 days, or for a custom date range. You can only choose dates starting from April 1, 2021. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

For date ranges of 30 days or less, data will be grouped by day. For date ranges between 31 and 180 days, data will be grouped by week. For longer date ranges, data will be grouped by month.

If the date range can’t be broken down into a whole number of weeks, the last data point will show an incomplete week.

Here’s how data will be grouped into 7-day and 30-day blocks depending on the graph:

  • Writing Sessions Improved: Percentage of improved sessions over the time period
  • Grammarly Suggestions:
    • View by totals: The total value over the entire time period
    • View by percentage: Percentage of the total number of suggestions that were accepted
    • View per 100 words: The average number of suggestions per 100 words over the time period
  • Tones Detected: The average percentages of tones used per day. The number of writing sessions during a day is not taken into account when calculating the average over a time period. For example, if Grammarly detected that 50 percent of your writing was in a friendly tone on day one, and 25 percent was in a friendly tone on day two, the resulting number for two days would be (50+25)/2=37.5 percent regardless of how much text you wrote on either day.
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