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How does Grammarly for Microsoft Word work on Macs?

Important: Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac will no longer be updated. We suggest switching to Grammarly for Mac, which supports integration with multiple applications and websites, including Microsoft Office apps. Alternatively, if you work on longer documents, we encourage you to give the Grammarly Editor a try.

If you prefer to continue using Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac, this article is a useful source of information about the following topics:

This article covers these topics: 

Opening Grammarly

Once you’ve added Grammarly to Microsoft Word, click the Open Grammarly button in the Home tab or use the button in your new Grammarly tab to open the Grammarly sidebar. 


When you start typing or checking your text, Grammarly will show suggestions in that sidebar.  

Checking text

Grammarly’s suggestions will appear in the sidebar on the right side of your document. You won’t see underlines in your text, but clicking a suggestion will highlight the relevant portion of text in your document: 


To accept a suggestion, click on the suggestion card: 


If you’d like to ignore a suggestion, click the trash can icon to dismiss it.

To see a detailed explanation about a suggestion, click the three dots at the bottom of the alert.

Note: Grammarly for Microsoft Word will not turn on if Track Changes is switched on in your document or if there are unresolved comments. 

Grammarly also provides an option to specify which types of suggestions to provide for your document. Grammarly’s four categories of suggestions — correctness, clarity, engagement, and delivery — are all turned on by default. If you’d like to view suggestions in one category at a time, you can click the category name at the top of the sidebar to filter out all other suggestions. 


Note: Currently, you can check up to 150,000 characters (including spaces) at a time with Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac.

Deactivating certain suggestion types

Note: This feature is available only with Grammarly Premium, Grammarly for Business, and Grammarly for Education.

Certain types of suggestions, such as adding the Oxford comma and passive voice suggestions, can be turned off. You can view and manage suggestions in your account settings by following this link.

Keep in mind that if you deactivate a certain type of suggestion, it will be deactivated in all of your Grammarly product offerings.

Setting goals and checking performance 

To customize the suggestions Grammarly offers, you can adjust your goals. You can choose the audience, formality, and domain (type) of your text by clicking the Set Goals button:


Note: At this time, the option to select the domain is available to Premium, Grammarly for Business, and Grammarly for Education users.

You can also view your document statistics. To do that, click the Performance button in the upper right corner of the sidebar: 


Checking your text for plagiarism

If you are a Premium, Grammarly for Business, or Grammarly for Education user, you can check your document for plagiarism. Keep in mind that the plagiarism checker is deactivated by default. 

To check your text for plagiarism, click the Plagiarism button in the lower part of the sidebar:


Changing default settings

Click the gear icon in the lower right corner of the Grammarly sidebar to access your settings:


Here you can:  

  • View your account information
  • Update your subscription settings
  • Update your language preference
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