If you see this error message in Microsoft Word on Mac, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue:
- Sign out of Microsoft Word by clicking Word > Sign Out…
- Restart Microsoft Word and sign in again.
- Open the Insert menu and click Get Add-ins or Store.
- Type Grammarly in the search field and press Enter.
- Click Add next to the listing for Grammarly for Microsoft Word.
- Then, please find the Grammarly tab on the MS Word toolbar and press Open Grammarly.
If these instructions didn’t help, please submit a support request including the Microsoft Word version that you are currently using and a screenshot of the issue.
To check your version of Microsoft Word, please go to the Word menu and click About Microsoft Word:
Note: If your subscription to Microsoft Office is provided by your organization or school, please contact your Office 365 administrator to ensure that you have permission to install Office Add-ins.
If Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac doesn’t work after trying these steps, we suggest switching to Grammarly for Mac. This product offering also supports integration with Microsoft Word and Outlook. To find out more, check out this article.
Alternatively, you can give the Grammarly Editor a try. For more information about the Grammarly Editor, visit this page.