This issue might occur if your antivirus, firewall software, or other Microsoft Office add-ins are interfering with Grammarly for Microsoft Office.
To resolve this issue, we suggest following these steps:
Temporarily turn off any add-ins except for Grammarly:
- Go to File > Options > Add-ins
- Click Manage, select COM Add-ins, and click Go
- In that window, turn off all add-ins except Grammarly:
Note: If temporarily deactivating your antivirus or firewall software helps, we suggest that you add Grammarly to that software’s allowed list to resolve the issue.
Install Grammarly for all users by following these steps:
- Download Grammarly for Microsoft Office at
- Double-click the GrammarlyAddInSetup.exe file
- When you see the Welcome to Grammarly window, click Get Started while pressing Shift and Ctrl keys on your keyboard
- In the window you see next, check the box next to the option Install for all users and click Next:
If you don’t see the option to install for all users, download and run this file:
If none of these steps help, please follow the instructions in this article and submit a support ticket with the troubleshooting request ID so we can investigate this issue more thoroughly.
Note: At this time, Grammarly for Microsoft Office is not fully compatible with Microsoft Surface RT, Microsoft Surface Pro X, and other ARM-based devices. If you are using one of the above devices, we recommend switching to the Grammarly Editor or the Grammarly browser extension for your preferred browser.
Alternatively, we suggest switching to Grammarly for Windows (available on Windows 10 or newer). This product offering also supports integration with Microsoft Word and Outlook. To find out more, check out this article.