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How to reinstall Grammarly for Microsoft Office

Important: Grammarly for Microsoft Word will no longer be updated. We suggest switching to Grammarly for Windows, which supports integration with multiple applications and websites, including Microsoft Office apps. Alternatively, we encourage you to give the Grammarly Editor a try.

If you need to reinstall Grammarly for Microsoft Office, please follow the steps below:

  1. Uninstall your current version of the Grammarly add-in via Control Panel > Programs and Features > right-click on Grammarly for Microsoft® Office Suite > select Uninstall.

    If you use Windows 10:
    Right-click the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen, and select Apps and Features on the pop-up menu. Click on Grammarly for Microsoft® Office Suite > select Uninstall.

  2. Download the latest version from and follow the instructions within the installer: 


  3. Open any text document in Word, find the Grammarly tab in the toolbar, then click Open Grammarly.
  4. Log in using your Grammarly credentials if prompted.
  5. You should see the Grammarly sidebar on the right. It should say Checking... and then start displaying suggestions.

If the installation is not successful, please send us the error details, and we will contact you with a solution.

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