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How to collect Grammarly browser extension logs

Error logs are typically requested by our Support team when there is a technical issue with the Grammarly browser extension. If you experience a technical issue, please check out the Resolve Issues section of our Support site first.

To collect the Grammarly browser extension logs, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Grammarly icon in your browser’s toolbar. If the Grammarly icon isn't visible in your browser's toolbar, click the Extensions icon (represented by the puzzle piece) and select Grammarly from the list.

    Tip: For easy access in the future, you can also choose to pin Grammarly for Chrome within your toolbar by selecting the Pin icon within the Extensions menu.

  2. With the Grammarly browser extension menu open, press and hold Option+Ctrl+Shift+D (macOS) or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows/ChromeOS) on your keyboard to reveal the Debug Menu.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Grammarly browser extension menu and switch on Logging and Advanced Logging:

    Debug Menu.png

    Note: Advanced Logging may temporarily affect the performance of Grammarly and your computer.

  4. Open the website where the issue occurs and try to reproduce it.
  5. Once you’ve reproduced it, click Download Logs within the Debug Menu.
  6. Share the logs with us as an attachment.
  7. To turn off logging within Grammarly for Chrome, scroll down to the bottom of the Grammarly browser extension menu and switch off Logging.


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