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Preserve text formatting

If you copy and paste your formatted text into the Grammarly Editor, only the following formatting will be preserved:

  • Bold and italic text
  • Numbered lists and bullet points
  • H1 and H2 headers
  • Links

To preserve the full original formatting of your document, please use the Upload button to upload it into the Grammarly Editor. After editing, use the Download button to download your text. 

Keep in mind that upon uploading your document, Grammarly’s formatting options will be switched off—although your document will appear in plain text in the Grammarly Editor, your original formatting will be preserved in the version you download after editing.

The Grammarly Editor supports the following file types: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice (.odt), .txt, and .rtf.

Note: You can also download Grammarly for Windows and Mac and use Grammarly without leaving your preferred text editor.

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