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I don't see the Grammarly icon in text fields

If the Grammarly icon is not fixed in the lower-right corner of the text field, this may be because Grammarly for Windows and Mac is active in your browser. Only one of our product offerings can be active at a time.

When the Grammarly browser extension is installed, you’ll see a Grammarly icon in your browser toolbar. If the Grammarly icon isn’t visible in your browser’s toolbar, click the Extensions icon and select Grammarly from the list. If the icon is gray, the Grammarly browser extension is turned off, and Grammarly for Windows and Mac may be the active product offering. If you have Grammarly for Windows and Mac installed, you should see a movable widget on your screen once you begin typing in the text field.

You can choose which product offering to use in your browser by clicking the Grammarly icon in your browser’s toolbar and turning the Check text with browser extension setting on or off.

If the Grammarly icon within your browser toolbar is already green, please select the tab for the browser that you are using and follow the troubleshooting steps below:


Check that Gramor Chrome is installed and activated:

  1. Copy and paste this string into your address bar: chrome:extensions, and press Enter.
  2. See if Grammarly for Chrome appears on the list of extensions and if the switch next to the extension is blue:
    Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 15.04.55.png
  3. If Grammarly is not on the list of extensions, please visit this page to add it to your browser.

Try temporarily turning off all other extensions you’re using:

  1. Copy and paste this into the address line: chrome:extensions
  2. Switch all other extensions except Grammarly off.

Check that Grammarly for Firefox is installed and activated:

  1. Copy and paste this string into your address bar: about:addons and press Enter.
  2. See if Grammarly for Firefox appears on the Enabled list and if the switch next to the extension is blue:
    Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 15.06.19.png
  3. If Grammarly is not on the list of extensions, click this link to add it to your browser.

Try temporarily turning off all other extensions you’re using:

  1. Copy and paste about:addons into your address bar and press Enter.
  2. Switch all other extensions except Grammarly off.

Check that Grammarly for Safari is installed and activated:

  1. Open Safari Preferences by navigating to Safari > Preferences or pressing Command + Comma.
  2. Navigate to the Extension tab.
  3. Find Grammarly for Safari on the list of extensions and verify that the Enable Grammarly for Safari checkbox is checked.
  4. If Grammarly is not on the list of extensions, click this link to add it to your browser.

Try temporarily turning off all other extensions you’re using:

  1. Go to Safari > Preferences (or use Command ⌘+ Comma).
  2. Select the Extensions tab and untick the boxes next to each extension.

Check that Grammarly for Microsoft Edge is installed and activated:

  1. Copy and paste this string into your address bar: edge://extensions/ and press Enter.
  2. See if Grammarly for Microsoft Edge appears on the list of extensions and if the toggle next to the extension is blue:
    Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 15.08.39.png
  3. If Grammarly is not on the list of extensions, please visit this page to add it to your browser.

Try temporarily turning off all other extensions you’re using:

  1. Copy and paste this string into your address bar: edge://extensions/ and press Enter.
  2. Switch all other extensions except Grammarly off.

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