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The formatting of my document changes when I export it

When you paste text into the Grammarly Editor, the following types of formatting will be preserved: 

  • Bold and italic text
  • Numbered lists and bullet points
  • H1 and H2 headers
  • Links

Images and other types of formatting (like columns or tables) will be stripped from the text.

Note: Supported file types are MS Word (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice (.odt), .txt and .rtf. However, the formatting options are not supported if you use the Classic version of the Grammarly Editor. 

If you need to preserve all formatting in your document, use the Upload file and Download buttons to check documents that have been written in other text editors like Microsoft Word, TextEdit, or OpenOffice. Although your document will appear as plain text in the Grammarly Editor, your original formatting will be preserved in the version you download after editing.

To import a document, open a new document, click the Menu button (three horizontal lines) in the upper-left corner to unfold the sidebar, and click Upload file

upload file.gif

To export a document, open a document, click the Menu button (three horizontal lines) in the upper-left corner to open the sidebar, and click Download

download file.gif

Note: At this time, all .txt files that are uploaded to the Grammarly Editor can be downloaded in .docx format only. Our development team is aware of this problem, but there are some technical considerations that our engineers need time to work through. 

If the problem persists after using the Upload file and Download options, please send us the original document so that we can investigate the issue more efficiently. You can attach the file to a support request, and we will contact you with a solution.

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