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Set up SSO with ClassLink

- Access to the ClassLink Management Console with the permission to manage SAML applications
- Grammarly Business, Grammarly Pro, or a Grammarly for Education account with the admin role or a designated custom role

  1. In the ClassLink Management Console (CMC), click Single Sign-On and select SAML Console.
  2. Click on Copy Existing. Search for the Grammarly SAML template and click on Copy.Screenshot_2022-08-30_at_15.54.05.pngScreenshot_2022-08-30_at_15.55.11.png
  3. Search for the copied Grammarly SAML template and click on Edit.Screenshot_2022-08-30_at_16.05.21.png
  4. Make sure the fields are filled in as follows:
  5. Click on Update to save the configuration.
  6. Go back to the SAML Console, search for the newly created Grammarly SAML app, and click Copy IdP Initiate Login URL.
  7. Additionally, open in a new tab the ClassLink SSO metadata URL for the Grammarly SAML app ({uniquestring}). You’ll need this data later to activate SSO in the Grammarly administrator console.
  8. In the ClassLink Management Console, click Applications and select Add & Assign Apps.
  9. Click Add to add the Grammarly application, and fill in the following required details:
    • Application Name: Grammarly
    • Icon: Browse the Grammarly icon from the ClassLink search.
    • Category: Education
    • Single Sign-On App: Yes
    • Type: SAML
    • Web Address: Paste the IdP Initiate Login URL copied in step 6.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Search for the newly created Grammarly app and click Assign to grant access to the application to the intended users.

Finally, to enable SSO in Grammarly, please see step 2 in this article: Set up SAML single sign-on

You’ll need to enter the following values from the SSO metadata (data from the URL opened in step 7) to Grammarly:

  • entityID → Identity Provider Issuer
  • SingleSignOnService URL → SAML 2.0 Endpoint
  • X.509 certificate → Certificate

If you encounter any issues, please check out the troubleshooting articles on this page: Resolve Issues

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