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I can't provision a user: SAML authentication unsuccessful because the user account hasn't been provisioned

If SSO is activated but you can’t provision a user due to this error, it most likely means that the user has not been assigned to the Grammarly app in your identity provider. 

To resolve this issue, we suggest checking:

  1. the Grammarly app is assigned to this specific user in the identity provider;
  2. (if using SCIM) provisioning has been enabled;
  3. (if using SCIM) there are no errors in the identity provider provisioning logs and the status of this exact user. 

If all of the above are correct and there are no problems, the recommended workaround would be to remove the Grammarly application access from the user and then try re-adding it.

For more information on user provisioning, please refer to this article: Configure SCIM provisioning

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