Included in: Grammarly Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans
Managed by: Admins, account managers, group managers, and members with designated custom roles
Writing preferences allow you to customize Grammarly’s suggestions to your team’s writing style. You can manage a preset selection of stylistic suggestion types, enabling the types of suggestions that will be relevant to your team’s specific use case and turning off those that won’t fit your needs.
For example, you can have Grammarly suggest changing the passive voice to active or suggest using an Oxford comma. We encourage you to check out all available suggestion types on the Writing Preferences page.
By default, all suggestions are neither on nor off, and team members can make these style decisions individually within their own personal preferences. Once you decide to turn on or turn off a suggestion type for the team, your choice will override your team members’ personal preferences.
For example, if your team member previously turned off Oxford comma suggestions in their personal settings, but you decide to turn these suggestions on in the company style guide, the style guide will override the team member’s personal preferences. Here’s how it will look for the team member:
You can also create multiple writing preference sets for groups of users. For more information on how to use multiple writing preference sets, please see this article: Set up multiple writing preference sets
Note: Each user group can be assigned only one writing preference set.
If you’re an admin, and a writing preference you want to change is locked, please review this article: A writing preference I want to change is locked by the admin
What access do team members with different roles have?
Team members with the admin or account manager roles have editing permissions for all writing preference sets: they can create, edit, or remove writing preference sets assigned to any existing user groups.
Team members with group manager permissions can create and edit writing preference sets only for the user groups they are assigned to manage. Users with group manager permissions can view the writing preference sets assigned to other groups but can’t change them.
If you’re a Grammarly Enterprise admin, you can also create a custom role that grants permissions to manage writing preferences for your organization or multiple teams, but without full admin privileges. You can learn more in this article: About custom roles
Note: The group manager permissions and custom roles are available only to Grammarly Enterprise customers.