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Can Grammarly check my text for fluency?

If you use one of Grammarly's paid subscription plans, Grammarly can help ensure that your writing sounds fluent by offering personalized suggestions. 

You can activate fluency suggestions by selecting the Sound more fluent option during the registration process. If you already have an account with us, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Go to Account > Writing > Language Settings 
  3. Select your primary language to help us customize your suggestions
  4. Then, switch on the I want fluency assistance option:

Note: Fluency-related suggestions won’t be shown if English is selected as your primary language. If you selected any other language, you should see fluency suggestions in the Grammarly Editor and the Grammarly browser extension.

You can identify fluency suggestions by the special banner in the upper part of the suggestion card: 


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