We offer discounts to our email subscribers through occasional promotional offers. We don’t disclose in advance when the promotions will be running, but we encourage you to keep an eye out for our special offer emails.
Note: You can manage your subscription to our mailing list on your Profile page.
If you’re a student or an educator, please visit this page: Can I apply for a student or educator discount?
If you’d like to apply for a military discount, please review this article: Can I apply for a military discount?
- Grammarly discounts are valid for one subscription period only. If you upgrade at a promotional rate, your subscription will be set to renew at a standard rate.
- Promotional offers can’t be applied to prior purchases. If you are subscribed to a paid plan, you can apply a promo offer toward your next subscription period.
- Promotional offers apply to the first seat on a Grammarly Pro plan. Additional seats are billed at the standard rate.
- Promotional offers cannot be extended after the date stated in the promo email.
- If you’re having trouble using a promo link, try opening an incognito window in your browser and clicking the link again. Check out this article for detailed instructions: How do I open my browser in incognito mode?
Note: Grammarly does not provide discounts in the form of coupons or other codes. If you found a promo code online, it is not a promotional offer from Grammarly.