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Introducing Grammarly’s Writing Score Canvas Integration

Included in: Organization-wide Grammarly for Education plans
Managed by: Admins
Available to: Faculty and students

Grammarly’s integration with Canvas allows students to evaluate their written assignments for essential correctness, clarity, engagement, and delivery quality before submitting them. This provides students an opportunity to improve their work before turning it in.

Additionally, faculty can view Grammarly’s writing score for each submission, which offers an initial insight into the work’s readability.

The goal of this integration is for students to submit higher-quality written work, enabling faculty to review assignments more efficiently and pay closer attention to the substance of the writing rather than to its readability.

Grammarly can be integrated with Canvas at the account, sub-account, or individual course level. After activation, it will be available to all students on the assignment page. The use of Grammarly’s integration with Canvas is entirely optional and does not affect the standard assignment submission process.

Connect Canvas to Grammarly

Integrating Grammarly with Canvas requires access to:

  • Canvas admin account
  • Grammarly for Education admin account

To set up the integration, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your Canvas account, open the Admin tab, and select a sub-account.
  2. On the next page, click on the Developer keys tab on the left.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click + Developer Key and select LTI Registration from the list.
  4. In the window that appears next, insert in the Dynamic Registration URL field and click Continue.
  5. Next, click Connect to Grammarly.
    1. In the new browser tab that opens, sign in to your Grammarly for Education admin account.
    2. Once you see “Connection successful,” close that browser tab and go back to Canvas.
  6. In the Grammarly Settings section, click on the dropdown menu under User data shared with this tool and choose All user data or User’s name only.
  7. Click Enable & Close.
  8. While on the Developer keys page, select and copy the numerical client ID located in the Details column.
  9. Next, open the Courses tab in the left-side panel and select a course to connect to Grammarly.
  10. On the next page, click on the Settings tab on the left.
  11. Open the Apps tab at the top, click View App Configurations, and click + App.
  12. In the window that opens next, click on the dropdown menu under Configuration Type and select By Client ID.
  13. Istert the client ID you copied previously into the Client ID field and click Submit.
  14. Lastly, click Install to finish the setup.

Try out Grammarly in Canvas

To check how Grammarly works in Canvas, follow these steps:

  1. While on the course page, click on the Assignments tab on the left.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click View as Student and select an assignment.
  3. Under Check your basic writing quality with Grammarly, click Upload document and select a document. The supported document types are DOC, DOCX, ODT, TXT, RTF, and PDF.
  4. Click Check writing score.
  5. Once Grammarly analyzes your document, you’ll receive its overall writing score and separate scores in four categories: correctness, engagement, clarity, and delivery.
  6. Click Leave student view in the lower-right corner.
  7. In the Student Submissions section, you can review Grammarly’s overall writing score for each student submission:
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