If your organization or school does not instantly appear in the Organization or School Name field in the application form, continue entering its full name in this field, and do not use abbreviations.
If your organization or school is listed as eligible, but you experience any trouble with the website, please try submitting your application form using a different browser, and make sure to turn off any ad blockers. If the issue persists, please contact SheerID Support.
You can also ask SheerID to add your organization or school to the list of approved institutions. SheerID will review your request within 30 days and will notify you of the results. Grammarly cannot affect the decision made on this matter.
Note: If you see the error message “Verification Limit Exceeded” when you submit the documents for verification, it means that an application in your name has already been received this year. Please contact CustomerService@SheerID.com if you have not received a discount link this year or if the email was lost.