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Enable Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Who has access:
Grammarly Enterprise admins

Grammarly is committed to strong data privacy principles for all users. You can specify additional restrictions for your team on what content or data Grammarly can access.

When the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature is active, certain types of sensitive data are sanitized before being sent to Grammarly’s servers for suggestion processing.

Currently, DLP is available for these data types:

  • Email addresses
  • URLs
  • Phone numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • US Social Security numbers (US SSN)
  • UK National Insurance numbers (UK NINO)
  • Canada Social Insurance numbers (CA SIN)
  • International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN)

Interested in upgrading to an Enterprise account? Contact our Sales team.

To check the configuration of the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature, go to your Home page, open the Organization tab → Enterprise SecurityData.

To change the set value, you will need to contact your Grammarly Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Clicking on Test out DLP will take you to a page, where you can test your own writing to identify what text patterns are detected and sanitized by the DLP feature before being sent to the Grammarly servers. You can edit and type in the text box to try out different text and number strings to see which data types will be recognized.

DLP capabilities are currently available for the following Grammarly products: 

  • Grammarly browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
  • Grammarly for Windows
  • Grammarly for Mac
  • The Grammarly Editor in Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge
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