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Ask your admin to enable app actions

App actions is a new Grammarly feature. With app actions, you can take the next step in your workflow from wherever you’re writing, whether you need to:

  • Drive projects forward with Asana, Jira,, or Smartsheet
  • Quickly access and share files from Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive and Sharepoint
  • Schedule meetings or share your availability with Calendly
  • Bring your writing to life by inserting images with Giphy or Unsplash
  • Quickly create or reference HubSpot CRM contacts

If you see the app action you wish to use, but you’re unable to connect or are seeing error messages, it’s most likely due to your organization’s settings for that app. You will need to contact someone who administers third-party applications for your team.

Here’s a message you can send your site administrator or IT team:
Please set up Grammarly's new feature, app actions, for our team by allowing Grammarly to connect with our workplace tools. This support article outlines how this feature can save our team time and improve our focus. It also gives simple instructions for quickly enabling these integrations. In some cases, that means going into the admin settings for an app and making a change to approve connections from Grammarly. Thank you!

Specific instructions for app actions that may require help from your admin that may require authorization are below:

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