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Group manager permissions for team members

Included in: Grammarly Enterprise plans
Managed by: Admins and account managers

Team members with the admin and account manager roles can grant group manager permissions to team members with the user role to enable them to manage enterprise features for selected member groups.

Topics covered in this article:

What permissions do group managers have?

Members of Grammarly Enterprise teams can have one of the following roles: admin, account manager, user, and user with group manager permissions.

Team members who have group manager permissions can maintain several aspects of their group’s Grammarly Enterprise account. This includes viewing analytics and managing writing preferences for the teams they have been assigned as group managers.

Team members with the user role but without group manager permissions can’t change any settings of their organization’s account. To learn more about roles, please review this article: Manage team member roles

Interested in upgrading to an Enterprise account? Contact our Sales team.

  Admin Account Manager User (Group Manager) User
Subscription and billing      
Change members of all groups    
Change members of assigned groups  
Customize style guides, writing preferences, and brand tones for all groups    
Customize style guides, writing preferences, and brand tones for assigned groups  
View team usage analytics for the whole organization    
View team usage analytics for assigned groups  


How to assign team members as group managers?

By selecting individual team members

  1. Go to the Members page.
  2. Click on the team member to whom you want to grant group manager permissions.
  3. Set their Role to User, and under Assign group manager permissions, select the groups that they will manage.
  4. Click Save.

Group manager.png

By changing group settings

  1. Go to the Groups page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon  next to the group you’d like to configure and choose Group settings:
    Group settings.png
  3. In the window that appears next, check the boxes next to the team members who should have group manager permissions and click Save.

Assign group manager.png

Note: Assigning group manager permissions to a team member will not change their group membership.

By assigning group managers on the group details page

  1. Go to the Groups page.
  2. Click on the group you’d like to edit and click on Assign group manager permissions in the upper-right corner:
    Assign group manager permissions.png
  3. In the window that appears next, check the boxes next to the team members who should have group manager permissions and click Save.

You can also assign group manager permissions via SAML single sign-on. To learn more, please review this article: Add Grammarly to an identity provider

Where can I see the group managers assigned to a group?

On the Members page, the Groups managed column shows the number of groups that a team member is assigned to manage:


On the Groups page, the Group managers column shows the team members who have group manager permissions for the corresponding groups:

Group managers.png

Note: You can have multiple group managers, and each group manager can be assigned to multiple groups. Assigning group manager permissions to a team member will not change their group membership. To learn more, please review this article: Organize team members into groups

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