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I can’t find my documents on Android

Unfortunately, the Grammarly Editor is not available on Android-based mobile devices and tablets at this time, which means you won't be able to access your documents through the app.

While the Grammarly Editor is not available on Android devices, Grammarly for Android is. This app offers real-time grammar and spelling suggestions, as well as suggestions for improving your writing. You can use Grammarly for Android alongside your favorite keyboard in various apps that support text input, including email, messaging, and social media apps.

Grammarly for Android provides almost all of the same writing suggestions that the Grammarly Editor can provide. You can even create drafts in the Grammarly companion app to capture your thoughts and revise your text without distractions.

Note: Drafts are only stored locally on your device. If you want to use your drafts elsewhere or want to make sure they're preserved, copy and paste them into another app.

If you're an Android user, How to install Grammarly for Android will help you set up Grammarly on your device.


Related articles:
Grammarly for Android user guide
How to install Grammarly for Android

How to use drafts in Grammarly for Android 

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