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Add or remove seats

Who has access:
Grammarly Business, Grammarly Pro, and Grammarly for Education admins and members with designated custom roles

  1. Go to the Subscription page.
  2. In the Plan section, click Update plan.
  3. In the window that opens next, enter the updated number of seats and click Continue.
  4. Next, click Update plan to apply the changes.

Update plan.gif

Removing seats will update your plan at the end of the current subscription period, while adding more seats will result in an immediate change for the ongoing subscription. You will be charged a prorated amount for each extra seat. 

Note: If you’d like to switch your subscription to a plan with fewer seats than the number of active subscription members, you’ll need to remove some of the team members first. For detailed instructions on removing team members, see this article: Remove team members

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