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Contact Grammarly Support

Grammarly’s Customer Support team is here to help with any questions or concerns you might have. Our Help Center is a great resource to check before opening a ticket. 

If you could not find the answers you were looking for, please submit a request here. When creating a ticket, select the category that best describes your request, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Tip: Please include as much information to describe your issue so our team can promptly help find you a resolution. 

Note: Unfortunately, we do not provide phone support, but please don’t misunderstand this as any lack of interest! Our goal is to respond to your email support issues within 48 hours of receipt. Our Grammarly for Business and Grammarly for Education customers receive priority support.
Please submit your question or request, and we will be happy to assist you promptly.

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