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Select between document types in Grammarly for Microsoft Office

Important: Grammarly for Microsoft Office will no longer be updated. We suggest switching to Grammarly for Windows (if you use Windows 10 or newer) or Grammarly for Mac (if you use macOS 10.15 or newer), which supports integration with multiple applications and websites, including Microsoft Office apps. Alternatively, we encourage you to give the Grammarly Editor a try.

If you’d like to continue using Grammarly for Microsoft Office, you can choose a type for your document, along with the formality and audience of the text, to get the most accurate and relevant suggestions for your specific writing situation.

Note: This feature comes with Grammarly Premium.

In Microsoft Word, click Adjust Goals to select one of these options: 


  • General (default)
  • Academic
  • Business
  • Technical
  • Creative
  • Casual


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