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Turn off the Grammarly browser extension

If you think you might use Grammarly again later, you can temporarily turn off the extension instead of uninstalling it completely. This action has the same effect as uninstalling it—you will no longer see Grammarly’s spelling and grammar suggestions.  If you change your mind, all you have to do is turn on the Grammarly browser extension.

  1. Right-click the Grammarly icon in your browser's toolbar
  2. Select Manage Extension from the dropdown menu:
  3. To turn off the extension, switch off the blue toggle next to Grammarly 
  1. Right-click the Grammarly icon in your browser's toolbar
  2. Select Manage Extension
  3. To turn off the extension, toggle the blue switch next to Grammarly
  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click on Safari tab > Preferences...
  3. Click Extensions
  4. Uncheck the Enabled box to turn off the plugin
  5. Restart the browser
  1. Open Edge
  2. Navigate to your browser's menu and select the Extensions panel
  3. Select Grammarly for Microsoft Edge
  4. Toggle the switch indicated in the screenshot to Off

    Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 16.17.38.png

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