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Uninstall the Grammarly browser extension


To uninstall Grammarly for Chrome, right-click on the G icon on the Chrome toolbar and select Remove from Chrome.

  1. Navigate to about:addons and select the Extensions panel 
  2. Select Grammarly 
  3. Click the Remove button
  4. Click Restart now if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.

To deactivate Grammarly for Safari, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Safari
  2. Click on Safari tab -> Preferences...
  3. Click Extensions
  4. Uncheck the Enabled box to deactivate the extension

To uninstall the extension: 

  1. Go to Finder > Applications > Grammarly for Safari 
  2. Click Grammarly for Safari and select Move to Trash from the dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the app to Trash
  3. If prompted, enter the password to your computer to confirm the deletion 

Note: Before uninstalling the app, please make sure that Grammarly for Safari is not running. If the app is running, right-click the Grammarly icon on the dock and select Quit.

  1. Navigate to your browser's menu and select the Extensions panel 
  2. Click Grammarly for Microsoft Edge
  3. Select Uninstall

If you prefer to use Grammarly without installing an extension, you can take advantage of the Grammarly Editor. To learn more about other products Grammarly offers, check this article

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