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How do I use my personal dictionary?

With Grammarly’s personal dictionary feature, you can make sure that unique words in your lexicon won’t be flagged as misspelled. 

If you’d like to stop flagging a particular spelling as incorrect, you can add the word to your personal dictionary by clicking Add to dictionary on the suggestion card: 

A gif shows a cursor hovering over a book icon on a suggestion card

To manage your personal dictionary, sign in to your account, go to Account > Writing, and then select Your dictionary

A screenshot of the Your Dictionary menu showing the title of the section and the field to enter the word

Here you can add or remove words:  

  • To add a word, enter it in the corresponding field in the Your dictionary menu and click Add
  • To remove a word from your personal dictionary, hover over the word that you wish to remove and click on the trash can icon that will appear next to it: 
    A screenshot of the Your Dictionary menu showing the trash icon that appears once one hovers over the word

Keep in mind that only the words containing English language letters, hyphens, and some other symbols can be added to your personal dictionary. The maximum word length is 100 symbols.

Note: The words with special symbols such as !, ?, +, $, &, or / and several words separated by a space cannot be added to your personal dictionary.

Once you add a particular word to your personal dictionary, it will not be flagged in other Grammarly product offerings

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dictionary thesaurus answer-bot personal dictionary vocabulary personal vocabulary custom words