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How to check my document for plagiarism

If you are a Grammarly Pro, Grammarly Premium, Grammarly Business, or Grammarly for Education user, you can check your document for plagiarism. To do that, open any document in the Grammarly Editor and click Check for AI text & plagiarism in the upper-right corner:

Check for AI text & plagiarism.png

When your text is checked for plagiarism, Grammarly will suggest citation data to create a reference in accordance with three different formats:

  • Modern Language Association (MLA) 
  • American Psychological Association (APA) 
  • The Chicago Manual of Style

Simply click the corresponding link on a suggestion card, and you will be redirected to the online resource that will provide general models for citing your text.

Our plagiarism checker also includes AI detection, so you can check whether your text may be flagged as AI-generated. You can learn more in this article: How to use Grammarly's AI detection

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how-to citations plagerism plagarism apa citation mla plagerism checker plagurism plagiarism detector answer-bot plaigarism apa format ap apa citation mla format mla citation bibliography