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How do I submit a document to the expert writing service?

To submit your text to our writing experts in the Grammarly Editor, click Get expert writing help in the lower-left corner of your document:


If you are using Grammarly for Microsoft Office, click Get Expert Writing Help in Microsoft Word to submit your order:


Once you do that, please choose one of the two editing options we have to offer: Correctness only or Correctness and Clarity.

If you choose Correctness only, our proofreaders will fix errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. If you choose Correctness and Clarity, they will fix errors and will also ensure that your document is concise, precise, and easy to read. 

After choosing an editing option, you can add information about your language background and formatting preferences by selecting Provide details. This will help our writing experts tailor their corrections to your specific needs. After that step, please select your desired turnaround time. The turnaround options are 30 minutes, 6 hours, or 24 hours for Correctness only, and 3 hours, 12 hours, or 24 hours for Correctness and Clarity.


You will see the per-word and total price before you submit your order.

Once you click the Place order button, the payment method on file for your Grammarly Premium account will be billed. If you'd like to update your billing information before placing an order, please refer to this article. 

Note: This is an optional service available to Grammarly Premium users only.

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