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What are the limitations when using Grammarly?

Device limitation

Your membership allows access to Grammarly on up to five different devices. To access the service on a new device, please see this page.

Document limitation

In any 30-day period, you can check up to 300 documents or 150,000 words. In any 24-hour period, you can check up to 100 documents or 50,000 words. This is true for both free and Premium accounts. (If you are an enterprise subscriber, this restriction applies to each of your authorized users.)

Page limitation

You can check up to 100,000 characters (including spaces) at a time when you use the Grammarly Editor at If you are using Grammarly for Windows or Grammarly for Mac, then there is no limit aside from any imposed by your text editor.

Upload limitation

You can upload a document of up to 100,000 characters (including spaces) to the Grammarly Editor. Your document's file size shouldn't exceed 4 MB. Supported document types are Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice (.odt), .txt, and .rtf.

Note: At this time, PDF, Latex, and Markdown file formats are not supported.

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