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How does Grammarly charge my account?

Your subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel it before the end of the billing period.

Depending on your plan, Grammarly will charge you monthly, quarterly, or annually on the date you purchased your subscription. If your billing date falls on a date that does not occur in a given month, you’ll be billed on the last day of that month instead. Charges are billed at the beginning of your billing cycle and may take a few days to appear on your statement.

To check your next billing date and the current or queued plan, go to the Subscription page.

Note: If you see charges on a new card that you haven’t added to your Grammarly account, it’s likely because your financial institution has automatically updated your billing details. This is to ensure that accounts using recurring payments remain in good standing when a new card is issued. In some cases, recurring charges may be allowed on an expired card. If you have any concerns about this process, please contact your financial institution.

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